Deputy Commandant-Prorector of the Police Academy in Szczytno
Col. Dr. Monika Porwisz
Col. dr Monika Porwisz began her service for police in 2000 as an officer in the II District Police Headquarters in Warsaw. She has been with the Police Academy in Szczytno since 2004, initially holding executive positions at the Academy's teaching units. In 2018-2019, she acted as the Vice Dean for Student Affairs of the Department of Applied Police Science at the Police Academy in Szczytno. From 2019 to 2021, she held the position of the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Security and Legal Sciences at the Police Academy in Szczytno. From 2021, she served as the Vice-Rector for Development of the Police Academy in Szczytno. From 28 February, 2024 to 19 June, 2024, she was appointed as the Acting Commandant-Rector of the Police Academy in Szczytno. As of 12 July, 2024, by decision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, she was entrusted with the duties of the Deputy Commandant-Rector of the Police Academy in Szczytno.
Col. dr. Monika Porwisz received her doctoral degree in law in 2013 at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. She is the author and co-author of numerous scientific publications and practically-oriented articles in the field of procedural criminal law, tactics of investigative activities and powers of internal security bodies as well as a series of publications in monographs prepared in the area of misdemeanor law. Her work has been published in many prestigious journals.
During her service, she was awarded the silver medal “For Long Service”, the bronze and silver badge “Meritorious Police Officer”.
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